Jesus said that you must pray to overcome the temptation of your life, this means when you do not pray temptation will overtake you and you find yourself in sin. When every time you live a life that is overtaken by sin and temptation then it could mean that you are under the influence of the backsliding spirit. We must resist the spirit of backsliding in our lives and we must live Jesus Christ. Our works should be the works of the Spirit of God not of the world. In the book of Revelation Jesus says to us that he knows the works that we are neither cold nor hot. Rev 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot. Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. we must overcome this because Jesus overcame on the cross for us and he said that all things are finished. We have victory granted to us by Lord Jesus. My brother and sister, we must prevail over this sin....
Do you have a friend? Do you know the friend Jesus? Every person tends to have a friend in life and those who lack friends in their lives are considered to be less fortunate in the society or even in the assembly of brethren because the friendship is tagged to a given value or price in life. When people come together to make friends they are aiming at a given objective or goal to achieve. I want us to look unto Jesus Christ as a friend but before that let us learn some types of friends/friendship. We have different kinds or types of friendships in our daily encounters in life as we interact with people. The following are some of just example that we find in the bible: - 1. Covenantal friends or friendship This is the type where the two or more come together and binds themselves in a covenant of friendship. The aim here is to protect one another from the danger of life and to grant everyone safety. A good example of this from the bible is David...